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Monday, December 13, 2010

For Sale: Books, Liturgical Books, Used Vestments, Music CD's & Other Media


Liturgy For Holy Week; Priests Altar Missle,
Pre Vatican II, Latin Rite form with Gregorian Chant w/original bookmark ribbons:
Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Inslauratus Juxta Editionem Typicam;
Typis Societatis S.Joannis Evangelistae
S.Sedis Apostolicae Et S.Rituum
Congregationis Typographi
Imprimatur, 1956
Black hardbound,  w/gold cross, 8"X11.1", 200 pages w/intro in Latin
$40 (in US currency only)
$5 shipping in US or Canada
$10 overseas

Mass For The Dead; Priests Altar Missle
Pre Vatican II, Latin Rite form with Gregorian Chant w/original bookmark ribbons:
Missae Defunctorum
Ex Missali Romano Desumptae
Ritus Absolutionis Pro Defunctis
S.Sedis Apostoluae Et S.Rituum
Congregationis Typographi
Black hardbound,  w/gold  3"cross, 12.1" X 9.1", 200 pages w/intro in Latin
Imprimatur, 1938
$30 (in US currency only)
$5 shipping in US or Canada
$10 overseas

Eucharistic green Chasuable, without stole or manipal, Church floral damask w/satin lining, 3" wide oraphry banding w/7" PX oval appliqe' on back, no matching stole or manipal
Pre Vatican II, Latin Rite style, in perfect condition
$40 (in US currency only)
$12 shipping in US or Canada
$30 shipping overseas

Eucharistic white Chasuable, without stole or manipal, Church floral damask w/satin lining, 3" wide oraphry banding w/ 7" PX oval appliqe' on back, no matching stole or manipal
Pre Vatican II, Latin Rite style, in perfect condition
$40 (in US currency only)
$12 shipping in US or Canada
$30 shipping overseas

To Order any of ther above items, follow all simple instructions below & telephone us beforehand:

(1) Please make check or money order payable only to Paul Bernardino
(2) We do not accept credit cards or Pay Pal
(3) We do not charge tax
(4) Pay via direct deposit or wire transfer: Call us for instructions at (415) 412-6685 in San Francisco
(5) Pay via Western Union; Call us for instructions at (415) 412-6685, 8AM till 10 PM, Pacific Time
(6) Send us your name, address, phone #, email address w/ above order  written or typed CLEARLY on one sheet of paper with payment enclosed (or wire payment) to our P.O.Box in San Francisco below
(7) If possible, please telephone us before hand to introduce yourself & your request.
Please review complete information at
Call: (415) 412-6685 from 7am - Midnight, Pacific Time

Printed Color Catalog: Please send $5 check or money order (US currency only) payable to:
Paul Bernardino
P.O. Box 475-333 | San Francisco, California 94147-5333 U.S.A.

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